HELLO! So here’s a very brief update of my life cause God is opening some amazing doors for me.

1) I was able to start recording an actual CD and we’re releasing one song from it as a single first probably to get up interest in the CD. Which means I need to learn how to advertise. That….will be crazy….

2) I’m on the worship team at church so that is a wonderful thing. I’ve also been invited to be a guest speaker/worshipper (if thats what you’d call it) at a different church so we’re trying to get that scheduled.

3) One day I’ve got to remember to share my story with you and then this will make much more sense…..
Anyway, lately God has just been showing me how proud He is and how beautiful I am to Him through people and just peace inside me. It’s so wonderful compared to what I’m used to and like I said soon, I will post my story and you guys might understand that a little more.

BUT FOR NOW I love you all and I hope you’re having a great start of the New Year! You are beautiful and loved beyond anything you can comprehend, and you are royalty. Princesses and Princes, all adored by the One True King. Have a blessed day/night/afternoon/evening/whatever-your-timezone-is-right-now and always remember you are never ever alone. 😀